بي تو              

Thursday, May 29, 2008

don't sell that cow

انگار بخت با من حسابي يار است كه درست سر آن سكانس جين هك‌من (باك بارو) سر برسم كه جوك شير و برندي را براي بار دوم و به نظر مي‌رسد براي بار هزارم تعريف مي‌كند...و اين‌بار بعد جوك، «باني» هواي مادر به سرش مي‌زند...به سراغ «ماما» مي‌رود ، دماغ‌سوخته مي‌شود...ساكت‌تر از هميشه مي‌شود و با ديگران درگيري لفظي پيدا مي‌كند...

به جوكي كه باك بارو تعريف مي‌كند با دقت توجه كنيد:

Buck Barrow

Hey, you wanna hear a story 'bout this boy? He owned a dairy farm, see. And his ol' Ma, she was kinda sick, you know. And the doctor, he had called him come over, and said, uh, "Uhh listen, your Ma, she's lyin' there, she's just so sick and she's weakly, and uh, uh I want ya to try to persuade her to take a little brandy," you see. Just to pick her spirits up, ya know. And "Ma's a teetotaler," he says. "She wouldn't touch a drop." "Well, I'll tell ya whatcha do, uh," - the doc - "I'll tell ya whatcha do, you bring in a fresh quart of milk every day and you put some brandy in it, see. And see. You try that." So he did. And he doctored it all up with the brandy, fresh milk, and he gave it to his Mom. And she drank a little bit of it, you know. So next day, he brought it in again and she drank a little more, you know. And so they went on that way for the third day and just a little more, and the fourth day, she was, you know, took a little bit more - and then finally, one week later, he gave her the milk and she just drank it down. Boy, she swallowed the whole, whole, whole thing, you know. And she called him over and she said, "Son, whatever you do, don't sell that cow!"
يكي زنگ زده بود و مي‌گفت: فلاني برنامه جكسون پولاك را ديدي؟...گفتمش: لابد بايد ياد سيدني پولاك و فيلم معركه‌اش توتسي بيفتم؟...مي‌گويد: اتفاقاً خود پولاك هي مرا ياد تو مي‌ا‌نداخت...تازه دارم مي‌فهمم شما دو تا چه نسبتي با هم داريد...